Do your F*****G part.

"Emissions from textile manufacturing alone are projected to skyrocket by 60% by 2030."


The changes we make now encourage others to do the same. The more an idea takes on the more resources that become available. We are the first generation to experience this mass ecocide, meaning we are the first that need to work on a solution. It IS a struggle to reduce your waste and budget time to work on older items you may be tired of, it was our great grandparents who lived through the depression and used everything they had. When their children came about, and their children’s children, we were taught to be grateful there is so much of anything you could ever want, so easily accessible. Two day free shipping. BOGO, maybe even a luring rewards system that will keep you into the latest trends. Breaking the habit of instant gratification in an era when everything is based on speed and price, much less on quality and longevity is hard to do. When you see the impact of ONE person doing just a little to help the billions of people that will come to be born, you’d wonder why anyone would choose to buy shiny garbage for one night out. Or one week on a shelf. Or 1-3 months in your home as furniture

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